Post author:動物用疫苗國際學位專班 Post published:2022-09-15 Post category:News / 最新消息 Congratulations to Stella for winning the award. Exhibition date: 2022/9/12-2022/10/6Exhibition location: NPUST Library and Exhibition Hall (3rd floor) You Might Also Like 專題演講 _ 動物疫苗研發練 – 由農場到實驗室 2020-10-23 Special Topic _ 1. Principle of Vaccine Development and introduction of an electrokinetic force formed Nanoparticle system for vaccine development; 2. Role of Pharmaceuticals and Biotech in the Development of a New Drug for Human Use 2022-10-10 Special Topic: “Swine Industry in Taiwan” presented by Prof. Jai-Wei Lee from DTAIC Department, NPUST on Tuesday, 24 September, 2024. 2024-11-06
Special Topic _ 1. Principle of Vaccine Development and introduction of an electrokinetic force formed Nanoparticle system for vaccine development; 2. Role of Pharmaceuticals and Biotech in the Development of a New Drug for Human Use 2022-10-10
Special Topic: “Swine Industry in Taiwan” presented by Prof. Jai-Wei Lee from DTAIC Department, NPUST on Tuesday, 24 September, 2024. 2024-11-06